Chapter 1.14

Now that Maxi was a kid, and I only had Geraldine to focus on regarding teaching skills, I had a bit more time to myself.  So I decided to invite Goerge Dean -the fiery cake hero- to the diner for dinner so I could say thank you for saving us that night.

Well… having been stuck at home bringing up toddlers, I had not been in town to socialise at all.  It was all business for me.  Boy had things changed!  For one thing a family of ghosts the *Martuni’s had moved in.

Wait a minute???? Ghosts in Riverview?? o.O  HUH??

While I was waiting for Goerge to arrive, who you can see in the background of this picture, Bluebell Martuni gave me a fright!  I almost jumped out of my skin.

"BOO!"  *evil kekkle*

"BOO!" *evil kekkle*

Look there is Constance sitting on the bench.  By the smug look on her face, I am more than convinced that she put Bluebell up to it!

Anyway, after dinner, we chatted at the tables.  It sure was nice to have some ‘adult’ conversation for a change.  Hal Beckenridge was a friend of Goerge Dean’s and maybe Bluebell felt she had to spy on me or something so she joined in on the conversation.


Meanwhile, back at home that night…

Geraldine was playing hide and seek in her toybox.  Hmmm, I wonder if they practicing for the kleptomaniac trait.

I can see you...

I can see you...


I didn’t have enough money for a bed yet, so Maximillion and I shared for awhile.  Sheesh, is she a bed hog!

In the land of yonksMaxi took an interest in painting and Geraldine just loved to read.  I spent a bit of money buying her a nice book collection, and she had read them all by the time she aged up.

Maxi painting

I love to readGeraldine and I spent lots of time early in the morning before work, practising her walking skill.  She could already talk and was potty trained.

Baby stepsMaximillion found the time between homework to socialise with an assortment of boys who she brought home from school.  She sure was the social butterfly.

"..and then the alarm clock ate my homework!"

"..and then the alarm clock ate my homework!"

Unfortunately I worked alot, and Luke also asked me to do extra work after hours on many occasions.  I was trying to climb the corporate ladder and also being a single mom, I could not really say no.

I regretted this however one day, as Geraldine aged up and I actually forgot it was her birthday *shame on you! Morticia*

She did not manage to finish learning how to walk.

Pretty sparkles, I'm all grown-upShe looks a bit more like me, but she has Jon’s dark locks.  But no doubting who her mommy and daddy are.

GeraldineNow I had two girls in the house… shucks I needed to procure a bed!

Note from worsiedog ->> The *Martuni’s are a ghost family I downloaded from the exchange.  I am not sure who their creator is, but I just wanted to note they are not my own created family.




  1. moondaisy101 · October 9, 2009

    Gulp! Love Bluebell!
    How nice for you the girls are school kids now… guess that cost you a lot of babysitting before then.

    • worsiedog · October 9, 2009

      Yes, it did, Morti literally lives from hand to mouth.

      Even further on in the story now, there is no stored reserves and basically the CrinkleWinkle’s are still living from ‘hand to mouth’.

      Luckily though, when it is bill day and there is no money, Geraldine whips up a painting and that covers the costs.

  2. catherinesims3 · November 12, 2009

    I have not played a single parent sim family in TS3 yet. I might have to give it a go.

    • worsiedog · November 12, 2009

      It was difficult at times, Morti was tired alot and she took alot longer to get promoted which gave her a negative moodlet as she was ambitious. But she was a strong woman, and her struggling with it single helped to tell that story.

  3. MrParachute · November 30, 2009

    The Martuni’s – will we see more of them in the future? I sure hope so! And as for constance – she needs a slap soon. I can feel it!

    • worsiedog · December 1, 2009

      The Martuni’s are around for awhile yet. Yes, Constance Shelley is a floozie in more than one legacy, she needs a pixel slap!

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